Tuesday, June 19

Day 5

Went to HQ first thing this morning after breakfast for morning devotions. Spent some time in the cyber centre waiting for the other guys with the land rover. We were going to go and visit an old lady who we were going to build a house for on wednesday. We left late as is usual, and set off to meet this woman and her family. As we were walking to where her old house was from where the vehicle had been parked we passed a school, and loads of kids ran out to follow the group of strangers and white guys. So we got to the house where Joyce had been living, her old house had fallen apart so she had been living in her daughter's kitchen sleeping on sacks under a leeking roof. Her fellowship was also there and we stayed a while to talk to them and give encouragement. There was then a brief walk to the plot of land where the new house was going to be built. It is situated on the land of this lady's first born son. So we inspected the site and saw where we would be building. After, we headed back to where we had parked the vehicle ans were very kindly given lunch by the wife of the fellowship leader. We had rice and chicken then bananas and peanuts. There was then time on the way back to visit another fellowship in the area, packing 10 of us in the Land Rover was a bit of a challenge and not at all comfortable! We were greeted with a welcome song and given fanta and coke (a real treat) and sat and listened as Patrick spoke to the fellowship. Matthew introduced myself and Paul and explained a bit about what his involvement in the mission is. One of the members of the fellowship gave us a song about Noah with his guitar and was brilliant. When we arrived back at HQ i did some more browsing on tinternet before going back to the guesthouse for supper. After supper we had an evening devotion, something that we are experimenting with to see how it works out. This gave us the chance to talk through what we had gained from the day and also pray for particular issues individuals had rasied. Went to bed pretty early cos i was wrecked.

Monday, June 18

Day 4

Went to St James Anglican church this morning with Matthew and Paul and had a really good service there. Came back via another church with Ann, we went to take photos of a fence that had been funded by a church back in the UK so Ann wanted to take some snaps to show them it completed. The afternoon was pretty restful, just watched a DVD and chatted to Matthew Paul and Dennis whilst they were doing they're washing. Was lovely weather so good day to be outside. Had supper and spent the evening playing cards i didnt do brilliantly which was a shame! Rained loads overnight so pretty muddy underfoot for Monday.

Day 3

Had a great day today. IcFEM was running a weekend challenge at an all girls secondary school and i went along to see what schools ministry is like here! We all bundled into the Land Rover, (two hours later than planned of course) and went to the school. When we arrived the girls were all in the hall worshipping and just the sound of that many voices in perfect harmony was fantastic! The day consisted of teaching and worship, with teachings on Salvation, Developing a strong Prayer life, and Commitment. The teaching was all really powerful and thought-provoking, and really made an impact with the girls. It's great to see the enthusiasm that they all have its infectious! There was a meal cooked for us which was greatly appreciated. In the afternoon we continued with the teaching and worship. The sessions were going to run on until late in the evening and a couple of us decided to head back a bit earlier, catching public transport back to Kimilili. Slept well!

Friday, June 15

Day 2

Had breakfast with Matthew, Paul and Simon Daniel. Then headed over to Head Quarters for morning devotions with other members of the IcFEM staff, where we worshipped and prayed together. After that I went with Matthew and Paul to Dreamland (experiencing my first ride on a bicycle taxi). When at the Dreamland complex we first each planted Avocado trees in the school grounds. I was then shown around the Dreamland Medical Centre, and observed the good work that is being done to service the local community there, and witnessed the treatment of young children with malnutrition, displaced by the recent troubles nearby. I had the chance to look around the school and saw the work that is being done there by the mission, and also the work that still needs to be done to complete the school buildings. The Farm was the next thing that i was shown, Matthew explained to me the different crops that were being produced and that the Farm helped support the school by providing food for the children and also education in agriculture. I was then driven back to the guesthouse for lunch. The afternoon was spent at the IcFEM HQ, where i was shown around the complex and was also able to speak to several members of staff and get a broader picture of the work that IcFEM is doing. I was told about the loan and business schemes that are facilitated by the mission, as well as learning about the outreach work done with fellowships in the community. I am looking forward to tomorrow when I will be travelling to a local school and observing more of the ministry that IcFEM does there. It's going to be another long day but I am sure a very enriching and rewarding experience. I will keep you updated as to how the rest of my visit goes.
Best wishes, Matthew

Blog 1

Arrived in Kimilili yesterday after a long day travelling. Having left our hotel in Nairobi at 5:00 am, we caught the flight to Kisumu, and then started to drive up to Kimilili. We stopped on the way to visit an old family friend who my Grandmother has known for many years. We reached Kimilili as the light was fading and were greeted initially by Matthew and Paul. There was then time to settle into accomodation before meeting some of the other IcFEM staff and family for dinner. I ate well, and felt very welcome and at home in my new surroundings! I went to bed soon after as i was shattered from a long day travelling.

Sunday, April 22

Gap Programme Commencement Date

I will arrive at the Mission on the 13th June and will be staying until the 21st June.